Sunday, February 7, 2016

Traditional Medicine: Cancer, Tumors, Stroke, uric acid, hypertension ...

Traditional medicine is an ingredient or ingredients made from plants, animal, mineral, or a combination of these materials are processed traditionally and have been used for generations for treatment.

The most popular form of traditional medicine is to use herbal (medicinal plants). Traditional herbal medicine consists of several groups. Let's look at each type.

Traditional medicine and classification
Traditional herbal medicine can be classified into 3 types, among others:

Medical herbs
Natural medicines that preparations still a simple botanicals. Efficacy and safety of new empirically proven by generations. Herbal ingredients generally come from all parts of the plant, not the extraction or isolation of the active ingredients alone.
Standardized herbal
Dosage forms of drugs already in the form of extracts of the materials and manufacturing process is standardized. Must pass standardized herbal preclinical testing such as toxicity tests (safety), dose range, farmokologi dimanik (benefit), and teratogenic (safety to the fetus).
Standardized herbal which has passed clinical trials (have been tested in humans).
Currently the most commonly found on the market is a traditional medicine in the form of herbs, herbal else there are many forms ranging from 'carrying medicinal' up in the form of capsules.

Products such as herbs are generally created by prescription or knowledge passed down through generations, so the usefulness evidenced by the experience of its users for decades or even centuries.

Traditional medicine is increasingly popular
In this era of fast-paced communication today, a growing number of traditional medicines that come to the surface. If it had been a lot of people know the herbs only from the land of Java, this time people began to recognize the herbs from other islands, such as Papua ants nest and its red fruit, Sumatra Tongkat Ali with her.

This proves that Indonesia is rich with a variety of medicinal plants to help treat a variety of diseases both light and heavy.

Here is a brief reference about herbal or traditional medicines prepared beradasarkan several major disease name, just click the name of the disease to determine the speedy explanation of the disease and traditional medicine which is referenced. Hopefully you can find health solutions right through this article.

Cancer, tumor, stroke, gout, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, coronary heart disease, drug hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, cholesterol, sexual disorders.

If the type of disease you're looking for is not in the list above, please use the Google Search that are right at the top of this article to find a solution.

Currently, traditional medicine more and more popular due to the availability and affordability. Moreover, according to several studies of traditional medicine is not much cause side effects such as chemical drugs, there is even no side effects at all as long as it is used appropriately.
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