Friday, February 12, 2016

6 amazing facts about our brains

Words such as "you no brains or not?". Often we hear when we or others make mistakes are fatal. Why is that? Because the brain is exactly what creates consciousness and memory; allows us to think, create, learn and feel the emotion; and control the functioning of our body.
Scientists have made great strides in understanding how the brain works, but there is still so much we do not know about the human brain.

Here are some facts from the latest research that can give us new insight into the human brain.

1. The brain is more powerful than the advanced computer
The human brain can do 38 thousand trillion operations per second and can store about 3,584 terabytes of memory.

2. When you awake, your brain can create enough electricity to power a light air-watt low
The brain contains about 90 billion neurons. Brain activity never stopped, and while a single neuron produces only a small amount of electricity, all the neurons together can generate enough electricity to power the lights.

3. The brain does not feel pain
Although the brain is the primary tool used by the body to detect and react to pain, the brain does not have pain receptors themselves. This is why surgeons perform brain surgery on a patient who is still awake. This can help them avoid the critical areas that can damage the brain.

4. Then, how the brain can feel a headache?
When people experience headaches, the pain he felt was the result of pressure on the blood vessels or nerve tissue surrounding the brain, not the brain itself.

5. Neurons transmit information to the brain at speeds in excess of 241 kilometers per hour
When you touch a hot object, the sensory neurons present in the skin and sends that information to the brain and spinal cord at speeds in excess of 241 kilometers per hour.
When a message is received, the brain sends a message back, using a motor neuron, through the spine and hands to release the hot object. Motor neurons transmit information at speeds in excess of 322 kilometers per hour.

6. The gap between the right brain and the left brain is just a myth
It is not true that people who have a logical and analytical left brain dominant, while the creative and artistic people have a right brain dominant. Therefore, the brain requires a connection in all of its territory to be able to function.

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